Viktoriya Nikitina, Managing Director of Blue Sky Windows, Melbourne, Australia.

Viktoria Nikitina is Managing Director of Blue Sky Windows, a manufacturer of high quality, high performance uPVC windows based in Melbourne, Victoria.

With so many locally manufactured options now available, there are plenty of reasons why you should consider high performance uPVC windows and doors like these for your next project.

uPVC windows and doors with high quality hardware offer an impressive range of styles and applications, all with great performance.

Coming to Australia

Like so many people who arrive from Europe, Viktoriya was shocked by the low standard of houses in Australia. Double or triple glazing with well-insulated frames are commonplace in most of Europe and have been for some time. But setting up shop in Melbourne, Viktoriya has had to explain what trouble glazing is and why uPVC is a viable option for a window frame material.

“We’re in Australia. Who needs double glazing?” was a common response Viktoriya received from the market, even from Architects. Hopefully that’s now starting to change.

“We’re in Australia. Who needs double glazing?”

Applications and Accolades

Blue Sky Windows had some early success with a couple of projects in alpine areas such as lodges at Falls Creek. Viktoriya and her team also supplied doors and windows to Ormond College in Melbourne. From this base, Blue Sky has started to grow a reputation across the state of Victoria and beyond.

Many people are surprised by the colour range and possible applications of uPVC windows.

Clients are sometimes surprised by the range and possibilities of uPVC, explains Viktoriya. From large 3.6 m high by 7.2 m wide openings to clerestory, automated awning windows, uPVC offers incredible diversity with an impressive range of colours.

Clerestory windows can be automated to improve ventilation and indoor air quality. They’re a much better option than louvers which never really seal properly.

Sliding Doors That Actually Seal

Brush seals, which are common in typical single (or even double) glazed aluminium suits, simply don’t work. The brush strip is not an adequate defence against air movement of any pressure, even when brand new and they deteriorate over time. If you rely on brush strips, your door is never really closed to the elements.

In New Zealand and Australia, we love sliding doors. With ’tilt and slide’ or ‘lift and slide’ hardware, you can have you sliding door, and close it properly too!

‘Tilt and slide’ or ‘lift and slide’ door hardware allows for sliding doors that actually seal properly.

Blue Sky Windows

Blue Sky Windows now have a showroom in Oakleigh South Victoria and are supplying uPVC windows and doors throughout Victoria as well as Sydney and Canberra by request. Check out their website for more technical information and design inspiration.

uPVC Options

I’ve covered a number of uPVC manufacturers on the show and already gone into some detail about the benefits of the material. For related episodes, check out:


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