What would you do to make a better place to live?

It’s episode 100! In this week’s special show, I turned the microphone around to hear from past (and future) guests and listeners answering the question “What would you do to make a better place to live?”

Home Style Green Episode 100

Here’s who we heard from:

  1. Elrond Burrell (episode 30), http://elrondburrell.com
  2. Paul Blais (episode 48), http://www.doubtthedoubts.com
  3. Bob Burnett (episode 14), http://bbarc.co.nz
  4. Derek Ward (coming soon), http://www.clioma.ie
  5. Claudia Kaltenstadlerhttp://harakekeconsultants.co.nz
  6. Mark R. LePage (episode 50), http://www.entrearchitect.com
  7. Jonny Parker (episode 31), http://www.atticisland.co.nz
  8. Nig Gregg (episode 66), http://www.sustainabilityoptions.org.nz
  9. Christina Gomes (episode 37), http://www.aridon.co.nz/home
  10. Sian Taylor (episode 23), http://www.teamgreenarchitects.co.nz
  11. Tim Jones (episode 92), http://www.timjones.co.nz
  12. Danny Squires (episode 44), http://spacecraft.co.nz
  13. Craig Haywoodhttp://designbase.co.nz
  14. Duncan Firth (episode 90), http://www.solarei.com
  15. John Illiffe (episode 34), http://www.ehaus.co.nz
  16. Danny Still, (listener)
  17. Talina Edwards, (coming soon), http://talinaedwards.com.au

Thanks to everyone for your comments, feedback and for tuning in over the last 100 episodes, and thanks to Nudura who help me to publish and host the show, making it free for you to listen.

Shall we keep going?…

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2 responses to “What would you do to make a better place to live?”

  1. Duncan Firth Avatar
    Duncan Firth

    Congratulations Matthew on your 100 episodes. We are
    listening……and appreciate all you do.

    Really inspiring to hear all these committed and passionate
    people telling it how they see it. And all within 90 seconds!

    1. mcutlerwelsh Avatar

      Absolutely Duncan. Thanks to you for being part of it!

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